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i hve some things to write... a while ago kayla, alexis, madelyne and i went to this puddle when i was frozen and madelyne fell in and got frost bite... that was a long time ago but we had free-time outside and it started out with just alexis and me in this massove puddle and allof a sudden the whole class was in there exept a few pplz!! we all had to stay in for study hall, and kayla fell in the MUDD!! mitchell farted a couple hundred times and it smelld so bad i almost passed out !!! ysterday brittany, madelyne, kayla and me were in the puddles again!!! this time we rolled up our pants and took of our flip flops (we did the first time) and brittany started playing in the mud so we all made mud puddles and got covered in mud... we all did this fun game when u hang on to the soccer net and u go flying up... tats al 4 n0w !!! Date published April 20th, 9:43am
lotz of thngz hpnd but i wasnt hre so dunt h8 cause i didnt wright them...
when we got changed in the seating plan, i am behind kayla p... this annoying ladey saying alcohal is bad so she did this demonstation and she said you aren't allowed to call pplz NAMES so me and kayla where saying NAMES NAMES NEAMES NAMES TO EACH OTHER!!! LOLZ
ein Bild
DATE PUBLISHED april 2, 2007 3:08 pm
at the lock in, if peoples slept u could draw on their faces so i drew on tanner, madelyne, nikita, and who ever else i could find!  We were playing this hidein game in the dark and CHAD took of all his clothes and ran around the school naked!! WE also had this Air Band thing when you lip synced a song and danced, Ryan did Sexyback By Justin timberlake and it wuz funney!!! My group was going to do SMACK THAT but they said we couldn't!! Date Published March 30, 2007 3:34pm
tonight theres a lock in!~ yay! i have to stay in the school from 8pm-6am it'll be fun! Date Published March 29th, 2007 3:41pm
ok, today in social studdies, Tanner was complimenting miss unger and saying things like "YOU SHOULD PUT YOUR HAIR IN A PONY TAIL, IT REALLY BRINGS OUT THE GREEN IN URE EYES"~i wuz like LOL!!! later he was making animal noises just out of the ordinary like MOO!~MEOW!~ AWOOGA!~BLEET!~ it wuz weird, Date Published March 28, 2007 5:56pm
ok today at luch hour madelyne went outside to this HUGE puddle and all of a sudden her brother DYLANS weird friend keith (my guess 450-500pounds) came behind her and pushed her in!!! ein Bildthats madelyne geting pushed Date Published March 27, 2007 4:05pm




Date Published: March 23, 2007 3:53pm (my time is canada western)




in social studdies we had to reasurch a VIKING who got marryied to all of her brothers and KAYLA P was in our group and she sent me a note that said ELMO KNOWS WHERE U LIVE!!! DATE PUBLISHED mARCH 14, 2007 9:40AM
i have this annoying song in my head!!! its called Undercovah Funk and it goes We need the funk! get up off that funk! i cannot get that stupid song out of meh head!!! date published : March 13, 2007 1:30pm
i was playing on the computer and the song my  love by Justin Timberlake came on so i quickly changed it and the song MY MILKSHAKE came on and TAnner wuz dancing!!! like a video dancer          dATE pUBLISHED mARCH 8 2007 10:32 PM

I was on the computers and TANner wus bugging me!!! Date Published Febuary 28, 2007

the geeky computer guy was checkin mrs klasen out  Date Published Febuary 22, 2007 3:12pm

i haven't updated cause i wuz not allowed on the computer!!!HAPPY VALENTIVES DAY

today, Alexis wuz doin this "sumo" act.... it wuz scarry !!! she did this thing with her legz and then slapped her butt cheekz!!! Date Published January 21, 2006 2:08pm

HAPPY NEW YEAR ALL YA'LL DAWGZ!!! SUP? by the way, the reason that i didnt go to TYLERZ birthday party is 'cause it had isues evry thing!Date Published: January 4, 2006 4:03 pm

nothin much happend this week so far exept.... im bringing sexy back!!! Date Published December 19, 2006 6:54pm

nothing much to wright about....sunday is boring  click here 3 times to get a surprise...  get a life!!!Date published  December 17, 2006 5:39


 ok, today there wuz a volley ball tournament, so there wuz like 2 million girls in our skool from grade 6 to 10! and a bunch of them were giving out their fake phone numbers. mark & dylan were walking and they offered mark & dylan their phone numberz!!
Date published: November 14, 2006 3:53pm

~today we had a big spellin' test. mrs klassen alwayz says a sentance with each word, and the word was knight. The sentace mrs klassen gave was.....
"Some day TYLER will be someone's knight in shining armor, he will probably be Sydneys!!!" i wuz sooooooooo embaresed my face wuz red and evry 1 wuz laughing!!! date pubished: November 9th 2006, 3:50pm.

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